Living Sea Images Marine Life Photography

Next: 558U22
Image ID: 558U20, Squareback Anthias
Pseudanthias pleurotaenia

A Squareback Anthias shows vivid colors, identifying it as a male. The female is solid yellow, and both are rarely seen in water shallow enough for sc

Photographed at Turtle Cove Wall, Palau in Indo-Pacific on January 1, 2001 with a Nikon F4 with 105mm macro lens, two Ikelite 50 strobes, Velvia.

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Additional Information About the Natural History of this Subject
ID from Rich Todd, who says this is a deep-water fish, uncommon at scuba depths, usually spotted on walls, as was this one. This, he says, is a male, identified by its startling and unique color pattern. The females of the same species are yellow. The fish is also commonly know as a Square Box Basslet. this is from somewhere else: Habitat and Niche: The Square Anthias is a fish that tends to live in the deeper parts of the Ocean. The Square Anthias is found most often found in shoals over the reefs of the Indo-Pacific and Red Sea. In the wild, large schools of Anthias tend to adopt a territory near to a coral head. It will disappear into the coral at the first sight of danger (1). The Square Anthias is not a very territorial fish; in fact it is a rather shy fish that can easily be bullied. Square Anthias are most commonly found in the deeper parts of the ocean because it prefers the darkness to sunlight. The diet of the Anthias consists of mostly zooplankton and other small animals that drift around in the current. In the home aquarium the Anthias should be feed brine shrimp and other small, meaty foods (6). Behavior The Square Anthias is considered to be a rather sensitive and delicate fish. The color of these fish acts not as a means of camouflage, but as a means to intimidate its predators. Its neon bright coloring tends to make predators a little weary of attacking something so bright and easy to see. The male Anthias however, does have a special defense over the female. On the side of the of the male Anthias's body a square can be seen. This Square is much darker in color than the rest of the male Anthias's body. The reason for this is for defense. A predator will see this and may mistake it for an eye and will attack it from the side instead of attacking the head of the fish (2).
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